
23. Apr 2019 - 27. Apr 2019
Beginn: 14:00 Uhr
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Anzug aus dem ‘Conference Booklet’:
“Dear Friends of the international students conference 2019.
Arriving in Dornach, we were looking forward to the conference but we had no idea what it would look like in the end. For us as the WaldorfSV it was the first international students conference and of course we were very excited but still there was a little bit of nervousness and scepticism left, because we were not quite sure if our ideas would connect with the students the way we expected. beginning with the preparations we had one week before the confe- rence started. We had a lot of things to do like packing the conference bags, writing sponsors, designing all the prints, preparing the Goetheanum and the school and so on… A big challenge for us was to get to know each other better and to find out what every team member was best at. During the week there were really intense working days. Mostly we started in the morning and some- times we kept on working until late in the night. A very special moment was two days before the conference when the first people started to arrive. That was the moment where we started realising, that the the idea of conference became actual reality and it was so special because we were working on it and now the students began to arrive and started bringing the big concept to life. The special feeling we had increased with every student who signed in for the conference at the info desk. …

…Before we entered the WaldorfSV we also took part in conferences and we know the feeling as a participant. For us it wasn’t as easy, with all the work we had, to really enter the conference spirit in the first two days. In these first days we really felt responsible to create a nice inspiring atmosphere to make this conference the best experience possible for the participants. One of the best moments we had during the conference was walking through the rainy roads of basel. but we were stronger than the rain. The bad weather couldn’t make us stop from spreading courageous energy in the heart of basel.

Then the conference came to an end and we were super exhausted but somehow full of energy, memories and inspirations for our life.

The conference for us as team members was probably the most intense time of our life. We learnt a lot about ourselves, about how to act in stressful situations and of course to be part of a big team and accepting every team member. We were super glad about the thankful atmosphere the participants gave to us. It was an extraordinary feeling which started spreading when we were on stage for the last time and people started applauding.

We really want to thank everyone who helped bringing this conference to life.”
Vincent Eichholz, Sophie Niemann